Growing Readers
New Literacy Frameworks
Alignment with NC Literacy Instructional Standards and Research-Based Practices
Literacy standards and instructional practices have experienced significant change. North Carolina has approved new literacy standards that demonstrate shifts from previous ones. The Science of Reading conversations have influenced changes in instructional programs, especially teaching reading to beginning readers.
At ERG, we are embracing change by creating new literacy offerings that will support schools in their efforts to provide teachers with the pedagogical knowledge and professional development to implement the new LIS standards. Our New Literacy Frameworks focus on instructional practices that have shown to have a positive impact on student learning and achievement.
What do we know from our collaborations in schools?
- Schools have different goals and needs for developing teachers and supporting students.
- Teachers are more engaged in professional development when they have relationships with consultants, have choice in their professional development, and receive quality classroom support.
- Professional growth for teachers is motivating! The more teachers realize they are growing and see their students growing, the more invested they become in seeking new goals.
- Having an outside consultant as a coach provides teachers with another pair of eyes to see their classroom, explore their goals and different perspectives, and try on new instructional practices.

What is NEW in ERG Literacy Frameworks?
- Each framework is aligned with an LIS standard and includes professional development and classroom support. Schools may select a standard to begin that best meets their school improvement goals and professional development needs.
- Each framework includes a range of instructional practices to differentiate professional development needs of teachers based on interests, teaching experience, and student needs.
- Instructional practices are research-based and have shown positive impact on student learning and achievement.
- We have intentionally designed literacy frameworks to increase choice for both schools and teachers in professional development services, collaborative learning structures, and embedded coaching.
“The ‘sit and get’ time is cut drastically. These projects have allowed my students to see the content in action.”
Porsha Parker, CTE Teacher
What are the NEW Literacy Frameworks?
Based on the expressed needs from schools, we have identified 7 key frameworks to offer schools at this time.
- Comprehension Strategy Instruction
- Comprehension: Discussion and Writing
- Comprehension: Knowledge and Reading Materials (2 standards)
- Engagement
- Productive Small Group Instruction
- Vocabulary Development and Instruction
- Writing Across the Curriculum
While schools may need support in all of the above standards and others, beginning by focusing on one standard that is most demanding, will impact a number of standards. Literacy standards represent practices, skills, and beliefs that are integrated and reciprocally reinforcing.
What has not changed is the innovative approach to staff development and the highly qualified ERG consultants.
Our New Literacy Frameworks continue to:
- Offer choice to schools and teachers
- Are flexible, understanding that schools and teachers experience change
- Are responsive to the needs of schools, teachers, and students
- Are grounded in beliefs and practices that have supported schools for over twenty years
ERG consultants are available for:
- Professional development sessions
- Demonstration lessons in classrooms
- Observation with debriefing sessions and written feedback
- Collaborative learning structures, such as focus walks, planning sessions, and co-teaching in classrooms
- Book studies related to specific practices, grade, or content areas
- On-going collaboration with administrators and job-embedded coaching

“‘Stop and talk before you write’ has saved my life... Saved their lives! The work we did with ERG was so impactful. So many little, simple things I can do that have made a difference.”
-Melinda J Blackburn, Teacher
Read more about our work and our process and let us know how we can help you.
The ERG job-embedded process differentiates support to meet the individual needs of teachers. Choose the aspects that fit your needs.