Debbie Miller’s Independent Reading Framework

Wishes do come true
Hope and Alice have followed Debbie Miller’s work for years. In fact, Reading with Meaning was a book they read and referred to so many times that the pages were falling out. They recall times when they would say to each other, “I want to be Debbie Miller when I grow up!”
Debbie was a presenter in ERG’s first K-12 Literacy Institute in 2012. By personally spending time with Debbie, Hope and Alice experienced firsthand her love and pride for her profession as well as true admiration for all children.
Debbie Miller brings to us a lifetime of authentic, meaningful work in literacy. We are honored that she has selected ERG to carry on her work in the field as she retires from providing professional development.
From the first time we met, I knew that Hope, Alice and I were kindred spirits! Their love and passion for thoughtful and strategic teaching and learning mirror my own. I’m excited and honored to collaborate with them and the ERG team!
Debbie Miller, Education Expert
Debbie Miller is a teacher, an author, and a literacy consultant. She taught in Denver Public Schools for thirty years and now works extensively with schools and districts on long-range planning and development of literacy programs. Debbie has authored and co-authored many resources for teachers, including Reading with Meaning, Teaching with Intention, No More Independent Reading Without Support, and, most recently, What’s the Best That Can Happen?.
Available topics for Debbie Miller’s Independent Reading Framework include Reading Workshop, Interactive Read Aloud, Minilessons/Explicit Teaching, Conferring, Independent Reading/Book Selection with Accountability.
Services for Independent Reading include:
- Keynotes
- Workshops/Trainings
- Demonstration Lessons
- PLC Planning Sessions
- Job-embedded coaching support
Hope and Alice
From sharing a card table desk to leading the ERG team today, we're the heart of ERG – committed to specialized attention and real-world solutions.

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It's about you! The ERG job-embedded process differentiates support to meet the individual needs of teachers.