Power of Language
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittenstein From the desk of Leigh Ann . . . When we are equipped with capable language skills, we possess the power to communicate. I know – power is a strong word (no pun intended), but here are a few of its synonyms: capable, competent, dynamic,…
Read MoreMaking Meaning
Breathe In – Breathe Out
“Reading is like breathing in. Writing is like breathing out.” – Pam Allyn From the desk of Leigh Ann . . . “If you can say it, you can write it. If you can write it, you can read it.” I don’t know who first uttered those words, but they have become a mantra in…
Read MoreRetelling – Another Tool for the Reader's Toolbox
From the desk of Leigh Ann . . . Each day we are on a quest – a quest to build readers. We want our growing learners to know that reading is so much more than simply calling words with lyrical expression. The purpose of reading is to gain meaning and a strategic way to…
Read MoreA Tool for Your Comprehension Toolbox
From the desk of Leigh Ann . . . “If the motorcycle was huge, it was nothing to the man sitting astride it. He was twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed . . .” Can’t you…
Read MoreReflect, Retell, & Retain
“To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” – Edmund Burke From the desk of Leigh Ann . . . There is a joy in watching young learners develop as readers – to see them move from merely calling words to truly understanding the meaning of a text is inspiring. Comprehension skills can be…
Read MoreModeling Questioning – Building Understanding
“Without questions, there is no learning.” – W. Edwards Deming Strolling through a book store examining the covers of picture books gives me great pleasure. As a visual learner – the pictures do paint thousands of words – and they also spark a little self-talk. Would this be a good fit book for my kindergartners? Can…
Read MoreThe Reading Journey
“Everyone is a reader…Some just haven’t found their best route yet.” – unknown During a recent reading association meeting I was met with some interesting reading statistics: “Reading scientists” predict that 95% of students can be taught to read accurately and fluently. If this is true, how do we help our struggling readers in their journey to becoming successful…
Read MoreA Guided Reading Symphony
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H. E. Luccock As teachers of reading, we are like the directors of a symphony. The movements are unique and flow at varying tempos. All are beautiful and build with proper direction. Our students are depending on us to deliver…
Read MoreTeaching Independence
For sure one of the hardest parts of guided reading is the classroom management piece. After all you are giving a small group your undivided attention while the rest of the class is working at stations independently. That’s quite a bit going on in a small space with lots of people! However, you’ve marched on…
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