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Teaching Math is Not for the Faint Hearted
From the desk of Laney… Teaching math is not for the faint hearted! It is a complex task that requires deep mathematical content knowledge, a toolbox of instructional strategies, and the ability to create a culture of learning that encourages sometimes math averse students to venture into the discipline with an open mind. While I…
Read MoreReflect, Retell, & Retain
“To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” – Edmund Burke From the desk of Leigh Ann . . . There is a joy in watching young learners develop as readers – to see them move from merely calling words to truly understanding the meaning of a text is inspiring. Comprehension skills can be…
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From the desk of Alice… I recently had a conversation with a teacher who said her kids don’t really need Guided Reading anymore because they are her top students and they can read well. If you are in a school working on Guided Reading, you may have heard this, too. In a perfect school world,…
Read MoreModeling + Content Area = Better Writing
From the desk of Carol C… Writing in the content or subject areas has never been easy for me to teach. Part of my problem, I think, was I didn’t know what to expect from my students. After I figured that out, I struggled with how to teach them to meet my expectations. Here’s how…
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