Interested in helping ERG grow learners?
Click ERG Consultant Job Description to learn more about what is expected of qualified coaches.
For your reference, the ERG process for hiring new consultants is extensive and can take several months. The process can include:
- Submission of full credentials
- Shadowing ERG consultants in the field
- Submitting sample written feedback on a lesson
- Creating and then teaching a mini-professional development session at ERG Headquarters
- Interview with the co-owners of the company
*ERG does not hire full time employees because our available projects change frequently from year to year. All of our consultants work as temporary contractors and are in business for themselves. Temporary contractors do not receive any medical benefits and are only paid for days worked.
That's me!
We are not accepting applications for new consultants at this time. If you would like to get in touch with us, please fill out the form on our contact page.

“Our passionate commitment to quality and integrity drives every aspect of the Education Resource Group experience.”
-Hope Reagan and Alice Oakley, co-founders of ERG