Finding Freedom in Poetry Writing

From the desk of Katie M…

When people think of poetry they always think rhyme but that’s not always true.   There are many different types of poems like free verse, cinquain, haiku, lyrical, concrete and so on. None of those besides lyric actually has to rhyme. This is important to tell your writers!

I noticed this rhyming issue in the past few years as I learned more about writing poetry.  I don’t think my teacher always made it known that poetry didn’t have to rhyme.  I remember my teacher saying, “get writing” so people started to write.  Most everyone tried to write poems that rhyme but had a hard time with it because they can’t think of rhyming words that make sense.

A  reason I think no rhyming poems should be emphasized is that it gives writers freedom.  If the poems have to rhyme then there isn’t much freedom at all because the words are limited.   Poetry is all about freedom! What’s the point of teaching poetry if writer’s don’t have fun with it?  This freedom is what poetry is all about … don’t you think?  Freedom is the way you express yourself and poetry is another way to tell a story or express yourself  and to share your thoughts.

Once I figured out that I didn’t have to rhyme when I write poetry, it was a lot easier.  Here is an example of a poem I wrote that doesn’t rhyme…

the blue sunset

it slips and slides off to bed

it’s going under its deep water blanket

its being crashed on and pulled

the sun so bright goes down down into the deep blue


about the author

My name is Katie and I am in 8th grade.