Strength in Relationships

From the desk of Leigh Ann…

“The strength of our student relationships makes the difference in translating our passion for teaching into their passion for learning.”  – Beth Morrow

The Gallup Organization’s research shows that the most effective people are those who understand their strengths and behaviors.  This week I was encouraged to take a Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment and was not surprised by the results.  Shortly after completing the survey, I was presented with my “Five Signature Themes.”  Four of my five areas of focus fell under the heading of Relationships.  So as I am setting up my classroom, reviewing curriculum, organizing materials, attending meetings, and praying to be prepared – my mind is reeling.  I am striving to stay focused on the thing that I believe is most important – relationships.

I want the children and families that walk into our classroom to know they will be valued, they will be safe, and they will learn.  On the first day of school each child will come with different interests and concerns and each deserves to be respected.  Educator Charlotte Mason said that education deals with individuals – and each child comes with a mind designed to digest knowledge.  School should be a positive place to start, but the learning that takes place is not just for school – it is for life.

A friend and educator that I admire shared this video with me today and I want to pass it on.  It features 40-year veteran teacher, Rita Pierson.  Once Pierson heard a colleague whine, “They don’t pay me to like the kids.”  Rita smiled and replied, “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” She offers an invitation for us to connect with our students on a real level and believe in the possibilities.

This school year I want to build relationships because they fuel endless possibilities.  The chance to inspire, hear the unvoiced question, anticipate a need, and spark a genuine excitement for learning grow from these relationships.  Just as Pierson says, we teach because that is simply who we are and what we do.  Every child deserves a champion who cares and shares the joy of learning.