Candy is King
In our current ERG office, we have a giant candy basket.
It sits on the counter and people who drop by the office know it is self-serve. This includes the children of our consultants.
The contents of the basket of candy changes with the seasons but it’s always there. And as we anticipate this move into our new ERG space, it poses a dilemma. We will each have a small office, plus a large common area space with other tenants in the building.
So where are we going to put the candy basket?
I think we can all agree that in the world of education, candy is king.
In schools, the secretary often has a secret stash. Many teachers have buckets or baskets or bowls – sometimes visible, sometimes not.
Many times, candy acts as a peace offering.
A pick me up.
A diversion.
A much-needed burst of energy.
A tiny treasure at the end of the day.
Jolly Ranchers, Blow Pops, baggies of Sour Patch Kids, Life Saver gummies and bubble gum are some of the staples.
And, of course, the holy grail of candy baskets: chocolate. Of any kind. It’s always the first to go, so if you come across the chocolate in the candy basket, it really is your lucky day.
In workshops, candy is always welcomed. We have seen people argue over Snickers, debate whether Reese’s cups are better than Hershey bars, and proudly declare the Jolly Rancher of choice. Candy makes people happy, and whether it is 8:30 am or 3:00 pm, people appreciate it!
In the ERG office, it is often the same way. The candy basket can be a treasure hunt, and conversation can quickly evolve into what is the best find.
The ERG candy basket is often stocked from Target runs or grocery store finds, but it also includes leftover Valentine, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas candy. We have even been known to take leftover birthday party candy and donate it to the ERG basket. It’s a hodgepodge, but there is always something for everyone.
We all have our favorites and when candy supplies get low at ERG, someone always brings just the right addition to it. We have solved a lot of problems standing around that candy basket. We have also laughed really hard going to and from that candy basket.
We don’t know yet if we will have three small candy baskets or one centrally located basket in the new office, but it has to make the move. After all, the candy basket is considered a piece of furniture… we can’t leave it behind!