ERG 2.0

Dear Friends of ERG,
Have you ever known it was really time for a remodel but just didn’t want to deal with all the details so you put it off?
Hope and I have known for a while that our website needed an update but knew it would be time consuming and tedious and we would much rather be in schools and working with teachers and doing ANYTHING besides talking about links and code and content. However, we decided in the spring it was time. ERG has evolved and it was time for our website to reflect those changes. So we dove in.
We have been working with our own business development coach for a while and she helped steer us to a pretty cool web developer that could ease us into the remodel. After hours and hours of talking through vision, branding, colors, word choices, and actual writing, our new website is live. And we can’t wait to share it with you!
The ERG of 2018 is not the same old ERG. We just celebrated our 14th birthday and felt like it was time to usher in a new era. ERG 2.0 includes the same commitment to high quality services you have grown to expect and a few new things. The new website reflects this update and shows you our streamlined services, includes a section devoted to our collaborators, has a new events option, and highlights our polished up resources. Over the next few months, we will be showcasing these in more detail. We have tried to make everything easy and accessible and simple.
Just like all things worth having, hard work pays off. This website was a true labor of love. We hope you can feel it.
Alice & Hope