A Passion for Read-Alouds


ERG’s theme for the month of January is Passion and I have a passion for children’s literature.   A great read-aloud, shared with tender loving care, can change the climate of a classroom in a heartbeat.  You know that quote, “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast.”  Well, a good picture book hath the charms to calm a squirmy kindergartner.

Author and Illustrator Evan Turk believes in the ancient tradition of storytelling and has crafted an original new tale about just that – storytelling.  The School Library Journal rates Turk’s The Storyteller as one of the best new picture books.  This folktale style read is set in Morocco, a majestic place where storytellers and cool water once flourished, but over time the people forgot about their value and both disappeared.  One day a small boy goes looking for water, but finds an old storyteller instead.  As the storyteller shares his gift with the boy,  Turk lures his readers with a story inside a story that really delivers.


Just like Turk, I believe in the art of storytelling.  It is a timeless gift that our children deserve.  A quality read-aloud can integrate curriculum and develop countless literacy skills.  When we share living books with our students, we are not only modeling good reading.  We are opening the door to rich literary language and providing opportunities to predict, infer, draw conclusions, and make real world connections.

Here are a few others that I recommend:


These 3 picture books each share a Cinderella-like-tale with a cultural spin – great to compare and contrast!

One of my dreams is to write and illustrate children’s picture books.  I have a few in the works and maybe someday I can share them with you.  For now, I hope that the value of a good picture book will not be forgotten.  Much like Turk’s storyteller keeps the love of the tale and the flow of water alive for his people, let’s keep quality read-alouds alive in our classrooms.