'Tis the Season to Reduce Stress


Just read the following e-card:

December Lesson Plans

  • Scrape children from ceiling.
  • Repeat as needed.
  • Enough said.

‘Tis the season for excited children and stressed teachers.  Here are a few ways to destress during this “most wonderful time of the year.”

  • Breathe – When chaos erupts – stop and take a deep cleansing breath.  Conscious breathing has genuine health benefits and relieves stress.  It puts your body in “relaxation mode,” lowers blood pressure, and circulates oxygen throughout your body.  Your cells need oxygen to survive and thrive, so stop and breathe.  When you get frustrated – remember to exhale.
  • Listen to Music – Research shows that listening to music can turn down the stress hormones and lower your heart rate, so make a great play list and crank it up – or play it softly – whatever moves you.
  • Focus on Positives –  Take the time to “count your blessings.”  Think about the things you are looking forward to doing.  “Focus on your vision” and allow yourself to let go of the things that get in the way.
  • Self-Talk – Find a word or mantra that gives you peace or helps you focus.  Peace, Joy, Family, Love – whatever word helps you find a little calm.
  • Move – Dance, stretch, or do a few quick squats to slow your racing mind and move your stressed muscles.
  • Be Flexible – Teachers are notorious planners, but remember that the best laid plans are often changed by the little people in our lives.  Know that it is okay to bend and go with the teachable moments that come our way.
  • Take Care of You Break – When you get home, allow yourself a little time to do something you love. Read, exercise, or take a much needed nap.  If you don’t take care of you, you will not be able to take care of those you love.  Find the thing that brings you joy and do it – even if it is just for a few minutes.

ERG believes the best way to take care of our students is to take care of the educators who serve and inspire them.  Enjoy the last few school days of 2016 and have a wonderful winter break.  Use that time to relax, recharge, reflect, and reignite your passion for learning.  Please stay tuned because we have some exciting things planned for 2017.

ERG wishes you the happiest of holidays!

Ramsey Musallam shares 3 Rules to Spark Learning – for us and our students: