You Are More Than a Score To Me

From the desk of Hope…

Dear Garrison,

This week you are taking your EOG test and I can tell you are anxious. A little anxiety can be good. It can “help you get your A game on”. Fortunately, from your past experiences with these types of tests, you do fine on them and I feel sure this year will be no different. Unfortunately, I am hearing stories of children who are experiencing migraine headaches and “getting sick” this week which just happens to be test week. Could it be “testingitis”?

I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I wish you luck and as with every thing else you do, I want you to do your very best. I am also writing this letter to you because I want you to know that you are more than a test score to me.

Tests such as the EOG can not measure some very, very important things about you. Here are just a few things that I know about you that this test can not measure.

(When I say “we” I mean me and daddy.)

You are fun: You have lots of fun energy. You are just like your mom and dad in this regard – we will take credit for this. (smile). Do you know why you have so many friends? Because you are fun to be around!

You are trustworthy: At a very young age, we knew that we could trust you.  Your word is your word and we love this about you. Honesty is a trait that is very, very important to us and can not be measured on the EOG!

You are a leader: You may not realize this yet but you are a leader. We see leadership in you in the neighborhood, in the sports you play, at school and at home. Lots of happiness can come from leading so we hope as you grow up you will look for ways to be a leader.

You are secure with who you are: You have always known who you are and who you want to be as opposed to who other people try to get you to be. This is very important as you move through the teenage years!

You are smart: Yes! You are smart – that is for sure. Not just because you are an honor student but also because you take everything in and put it together in  your head and figure things out. You have lots of common sense and that is just as important as being “book smart”. You have the “withitness” that you will need for life.

You are kind hearted and care about people: Your nature has always been to be kind and empathetic.You seemed to be able to share the feelings of others (most of the time :-)) Empathy is a trait that will do you good for a life time and certainly can’t be measured on the EOG.

I feel sure you see my point here. There are many, many important things that the EOG will not be able to measure about you (or any other kid for that matter). Now do your best on this test but please know — you are more than a test score to me!

Lots of Love,
